Are you a true TRON fan? Do you think it's better than Avatar?
We think so. So we created this web site to encourage TRON fans to mobilize, and help make TRON Legacy the most successful movie of all time!
So what can we do?
We want to encourage TRON fans everywhere to watch TRON Legacy more times than they saw Avatar. So if you saw Avatar once, see TRON Legacy twice. If you saw Avatar four times, see TRON five times. Even if we don't succeed, don't you want bragging rights with your friends over who saw it the most?
What can I do here?
Register with us to keep track of how many times you've seen TRON Legacy. Find friends in your community who may want to see it again. Update your social networks with your Geek cred!
Are you affiliated with Disney?
No. (although we are fans!) We just are a group of technogeeks who love TRON, and hope we can encourage a new generation to discover it for themselves